Moving Fast, Staying Still

Solo Exhibition @ Weitman Gallery w/ The Sam Fox School of Art and Design

Oct 26th- Nov. 30th 2023

St Louis MO.

In this collection of work, I poetically investigate the body's relationship to the cosmic world. Photographs depict plumes of suspended bone dust, celestial movements of the stars and disappearing bodies in motion. Unique silver gelatin prints enlarge the residues of my bodily fluids and marks rendered upon smoke soot and exposed to fire light. These works are paired with poems and collages sourced from a vintage scientific book which speculates on the aging of distant planets. The redacted words of these found poems in turn become thoughts, ruminating on our own human mortality. 

Created in many different locations over time ranging from the New Mexico landscape, to residencies with The Penumbra Foundation in New York City and LATITUDE in Chicago, IL. This exhibition brings together moments of performative happenings for the camera, text based works and atmospheric gestures of painting using the cliché verre printing method.